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Meditation Schedule


Currently Kelly is hosting Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00AM CST & some Saturdays 10:00 AM CST. The first Saturday of the month offers mini Pranic Healing session with meditation.

Meditation on Twin Hearts is a simple yet powerful technique introduced by founder of Pranic Healing, Master Choa Kok Sui. It is a form of service to the world by increasing harmony and peace by becoming a channel to bless the earth with loving-kindness.

There are many benefits of Meditation on Twin Hearts and personally it has reduced stress, increase contentment, happiness, inner peace and joy in my life, it has also helped increase mental clarity.

Meditation may cleanse and strengthen the chakras and auras thereby it may help the body on all levels become stronger and more dynamic.

 During mediation, our focus will be our breath, to be in the current moment, to allow our body to have access to inner peace, inner stillness.  We will also be giving service as we send blessings of peace and harmony to all the earth.


Join us to experience the wonderful benefits of meditation.



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